Launch X431 Pro Elite vs. Launch X431 Pro3S+ Elite
Here we are going to show you the difference between two Launch tools, Launch X431 Pro Elite and Launch X431 Pro3S+ Elite.
Visually, you will see PRO is smaller than PRO3S+, and the PRO3S+ has topology.
The PRO3S+ does have the biggest difference covering the first of the J2534 programming.
PRO3S+ has more EV coverage while PRO does not.
When we get into special functions, PRO's got 37 in total, not every car; while PRO3S+ has 50.
PRO3S+ comes with every non-standard connector you can think of old GM 12-pin, Ford stuff, Dodge, and Chrysler.
PRO3S+ has another neat feature that I haven't seen on a scan tool.
You can go into the mall and it runs on HD Repairs so you can work on all the big HD stuff, and I assume you can get the connectors for it.
They both have intelligent diagnostics, you log in and it finds the car automatically, but PRO3S+ also has Remote Diagnostics.
That is when you don't understand live data, you can get someone in the world to help you. The idea behind it is fancy but I haven't used it.
Both will program keys.
Both can activate and deactivate features and functions on your vehicle.
Both have the ability like bi-directional control in all systems.
PRO Elite will work great for about 95% of work, this is an A-level tool.
PRO3S+ is like an A+-level tool.
There are all these add-ons that you can buy for PRO3S+ that are unavailable for PRO.