Autel MP900Z-BT vs. Autel MK808BT PRO


In this article, we will have the new Autel MP900Z-BT Tablet compared with Autel MK808BT PRO.

Let's see what is the difference between the two diagnostic tablets.


8-inch and 7-inch screen.

MP900Z-BT has a camera, MK808BT PRO don't.



MK808BT cannot enter hidden menus various brands like BMW has hidden functions you and activate and deactivate.

This MK808BT is to read code and do services.


MK808BT has no guided functions MP900 series could do that work

And in the guided functions of the BMW group we use MP900 more.

Some more advanced work on coding units, we work a lot with BMW and VW



we can do up to more than 40 services with either of the two

they are really complete equipment but it all depends on the work we are going to do


Done! Hope this helps!



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