Autel IM508S/ IM608 II Add Password Reading for Hyundai, Isuzu, and Dodge


Check out the latest version on Autel IM508S/ IM608 II Tablet! It supports Password Reading for Models on Hyundai, Kia, Isuzu, Dodge, and Jeep.

New Updates Info:

Kia [V6.10]

1.Adds password reading function for Stonic (2022) with smart key, (First release)

2.Adds password reading function for Ceed (CD) (2018 -2022) with smart key. (First release)

Hyundai [V6.10]

1.Adds password reading function for i20/BAYON (BC3) (2021-2023) with smart key. (First release)

2.Adds password reading function for 130 (PD) (2020 2023) with smart key. (First release)

3.Adds password reading function for Elantra (2020 2023) with smart key. (First release)

4.Adds password reading function for STARIA (U54) (2022 2023) with smart key. (First release)

5.Adds password reading function for Santa Cruz (NX4A OB) (2022 2023) with smart key. (Fist release)

Isuzu [V6.10]

Adds password reading (via dump) function for D-Max with smart key and MU-X with smart key.

Dodge [V4.40]

1.Adds functions including Read lmmobilizer Password, and Key Learning for the following smart key equipped models of 2022-2023: Challenger, Charger, Ram, Ram Truck, Ram 1500 DT, Ram 2500/500, and Ram 40005500.

2.Adds IMMO functions for the following models in South America: ProMaster Van (2013-2023), Ram 4000 (2009-2022), Ram C/V Tradesman (2012-2015), Ram SRI-10 (2004-2006). Ranm V1000 (2014-2023), and Ram V700 Express (2014-2020)

JEEP [V4.40]

Adds functions including Read Immobilizer Password, and Key Learning for the following smart key-equipped models of 2022-2023: Cherokee, Gladiator, and Wrangler. (First release)

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